Friday, February 26, 2010

Rodeo Drive

I have never seen so many expensive cars in one place in my life! Everyone in Beverly Hills is thin, rich and beautiful!! Even the fat people are thin and the ugly people are beautiful! It was truly a day to remember. Since I'm just back at the hotel to get ready for the night adventures I won't write much but will leave some pics!

Shopping on Rodeo Drive

Check out more pics here: CLICK HERE

Saw the pic below and now have that "Beverly Hills Cop" theme song stuck in my head!


  1. Wudcha buy? Wudcha buy??? I see the bag!!!

  2. I found a store having a clearance sale and got a few fun goodies! Got this cool sweater hoodie thing for my mom and jeans for myself and Will's girlfriend. Poor Will gets the bag! lol
