Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Urban Decay

I figured since the past few days were my Maybelline Vacation, then surely being back at work today is Urban Decay Reality! I was not mentally prepared for cold, rain, a messy classroom, and kids! But prepared or not, here I am!

So far I've had good reviews on my hair. More than one person has said it makes me look younger...so I figure if I go back and have it cut about three more times I'll be 21 again!

The trip to L.A. almost seems surreal now. I wouldn't trade the memories for anything. I was astounded by the physical size of the star's homes I saw, mystified by the miles of windmills that are in the desert, and totally wow'd over the whole Los Angeles attention to beauty. I left with a different perception of my own world.

My friend, Jen, asked me if I was going to continue blogging now that the trip is over. I've enjoyed writing the blog...I just really hope there's something happening in my life from now on that will be worth writing about (insert slight chuckle here)!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Blog Readers, If you ever need a laugh, come back and read the following story written by one of my new friends, Marie. She goes by the forum name "madamimadam" and we met at the Adam concert. The story is about her experience in the airport on her trip to L.A. She talks about "Planet Fierce" in the story...that is the name of a website where people post Adam stuff (that will help you get a better chuckle out of the story). Anyway, it was worth posting for you all:

OK, I'm here. Got in around 10:30 p.m., dropped my stuff and went to the Casino. Now back in my room.

Soooooooooooo, about my journey to Fantasy Springs... Pull up a chair, take a load off, this is going to be long!

While waiting for my plane in Montreal, this woman came up to me and asked me if I was going to Indio. It turns out her daughter-in-law told her to look for me and my blue nailpolish. She is very nice and hangs out at Planet Fierce.

Our plane left late but we had plenty of time to make our Chicago connection since we had a two-hour stopover. As soon as we landed, I asked Ms. Planet Fierce to hold on to my carry on while I went outside for a cigarette... It was sooooooooooooooo good! I had not smoked in 3.5 hours!!!!

Coming back from my cigarette, I had to go through the whole security check thingie. I dutifully took off my shoes, coat and placed them in a bin together with my purse. Then went through the little beeping door which of course... beeped! The nice man told me to take off one of my bracelets and while he held it, I went through without setting the darned alarm off.

I went to find Ms. Planet Fierce at the very end of the terminal - I don't walk! I drive my car from one end of a mall to the other!!! But I bravely marched on the probably 10K mile terminal only to find Ms. Planet Fierce with the news that we had been moved to a gate half way back from where I had just come! GRRRRRRRR!

On the up side, this new gate was right next to a McDonalds - I know fine dining at its best! So we both had our filled of chicken nuggets and then I of course needed another cigarette to finish off this high-culinary tour de force that chicken nuggets are! But this time I was much wiser! I gave Ms. Planet Fierce my 'beeping bracelet' to hold and told her this time I didn't need all the paraphenelia and went off with a light heart with my pack of cigarettes and lighter in my pocket.

I then only had to march a 5k mile to the nearest exit and as I was leaving the 'SECURED AREA' through those big revolving doors, it occurred to me that I had no passport, no boarding pass, nada.... just cigarettes and a lighter. This revelation occurred to me while I was still in the revolving doors which by the way only revolve ONE WAY .... OUTWARDS! Right outside sat a security guard and I told him I had left all my stuff inside and that he had just seen me come through the revolving doors and could he please let me back in... easy enough, right? But noooooooooooooooo..... Mr. Security Guard was given rules and was not about to use his braincells to override them! He told me to go to American Airlines counter where they would issue me a new boarding pass, which they nicely did. I was given instructions to go through security and that they would do a $%@^& check on me since I had no ID on me.... OK! Out for a cigarette and then... I'm not stupid! I figured I'd go back to the 10k mile checkpoint where I had joked around with the lady (something about Juliet Child). When I got there.... she was.... GONE!!!!!

I tried to explain my dilemma to the first lady that checks you in..... nope - nothing doing! Flashes of Tom Hanks and The Terminal kept playing through my mind!!!! I asked her to call Gate H6 where Ms. Planet Fierce was sitting with my purse and all necessary paperwork.... Another braindead employee though who told me she didn't know or have the number to Gate H6 and to go back to American Airlines and they would call! Back another 5k mile walk and I stand in front of American Airlines AGAIN! They try to call but nobody is answering!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Lady from AA is telling me to go back to security check and insist.... Again, not stupid me (OK stupid for leaving my stuff inside but not totally moronic!), I figure I would go to a different check point - don't want braindead employee to flag me!

I find a nice young TSA who I tearfully explain that I have done something really really bad - he interrupts to share with me the fact that whenever he has done anything really really bad, it has landed him in jail!!! OYVE!!!! After I explained that this is not jailworthy, he points me out to the TSA supervisor who is standing a few feet away with another man (not in uniform).

I approach Mr. Supervisor with a beaten puppy look and tell him that I have a BIG PROBLEM to which he remarks "Who doesn't?" I explain to him that my purse with passport and boarding pass are sitting at Gate H6 in the terminal and here I am outside the secured area with no ID whatsoever. Now this guy didn't make supervisor for nothing - he's bright! He asked me who I left my purse with. I explain that this really nice lady that I just met at the Montreal airport but who is an Adam Lambert fan like me. Quizzical look ensues (I wonder why!). OK, Mr. Supervisor is an 'in charge' kind of guy (not to be mistaken with CIC). He inquires as to the color of my purse - my answer.... 'black' - "That's not very helpful", he says. I show him my new boarding pass and for the first time his ununiformed friend comments on the fact that AA has issued a boarding pass to someone with absolutely NO ID! I explain that they did ask me questions only I would have answers to and that seems to quiet him down.

So... back to Mr. Supervisor - he is truly trying to find a solution to my dilemma. So he asks me the name of the lady who is holding my purse - I tell him "I don't know, but please don't laugh, if you ask for a lady from Planet Fierce, she will come forward". Mr. Supervisor: "Planet What". Me: "Planet Fierce". He looks at his buddy and they laugh - GRRRRRRRRRRR!

Next question from Mr. Supervisor: "Does she know YOUR name?" Me: "Uh no, but she does know me as Madamimadam". Now Mr. Supervisor totally cracks up! He asks me where the hidden camera is because he just knows he's being set up! After assuring him that he is not on Candid Camera, he finally introduces his friend to me. "This is Ruben - he's the head of Security at O'Hare Airport" GULP!!!! So Mr. Supervisor goes off on his quest to find a woman from Planet Fierce at Gate H6 and leaves me with instructions to stay with Ruben.

While waiting, I joke with Ruben that I now definitely need another cigarette! He tells me to go outside and have a smoke to which I retort that I am NOT leaving his side! He then offers to come out with me and have a cigarette as well! So here I am on the curb with the head of Security of O'Hare Airport enjoying a friendly cigarette break!

Mr. Supervisor eventually reappears without Ms. Planet Fierce or my purse. He is however carrying a sheet of paper... As soon as he is within earshot, Ruben tells him the form won't do any good because I'm Canadian.... Flashbacks to Tom Hanks yet again!

By now I have 10 minutes to make it to the Gate or I will miss my flight! A few batting of eyelashes and a certain amount of moisture in my eyes convince Ruben to go back with Mr. Supervisor to Gate H6 and search high and low for Ms. Planet Fierce!

5 minutes to boarding and I stand outside the security check point with hope in my eyes and a heart that is beating way too fast for its own good!

Then, bless his socks, Mr. Supervisor reappears carrying MY PURSE!!!! He said Ms. Planet Fierce searched through it and couldn'd find my passport or boarding pass (I'm really good at 'protecting' my important stuff - now if I only remembered to bring it with me all this could have been avoided). I fish out all the necessary documents and Mr. Supervisor whisks me through all the security check point in under a minute! I then kiss Mr. Supervisor on both cheeks and ask him where Ruben went. He points behind me and there he is... I advanced toward Ruben to treat him to the same kissing Mr. Supervisor was bestowed upon by me only to be blocked by this gorilla-size TSA! I get a panicked look in my eyes and Ruben laughingly tells gorilla to let me through. I proceed to kiss Ruben and then I am off like the wind to make my flight at Gate H6. When I get there people are looking at me and laughing. One woman asks me if that whole experience is enough to make me want to quit smoking to which I answer: "Are you kidding me? After this I need a whole damn pack!!!"

It turns out that Mr. Supervisor stood out there and hollered: "Will the lady from Planet Fierce come forward?" Unfortunately Ms. Planet Fierce never understood what he was hollering about!

Anyways now reunited with Ms. Planet Fierce, I ask her what her name is... you know... just in case! She tells me her name is Pat.... and then boarding finally began and as I took my seat in the plane, it dawned on me that should the need arise, I could now name my companion as "Pat.... huh.... from Planet Fierce!" I never asked her her last name!

And now it is close to 6:00 a.m. Eastern time and I have been up almost 24 hours, so I am off to a well-earned sleep!

Ahhhh what we do for Adam!!!!!!

Goodnight everyone!

New Friends

I met so many wonderful people on my trip but I wanted to introduce you all to a couple specifically. In the pics, the gal with the short hair is Lyn from Phuket (Thailand). She and I had the best time in the world! We drove out to the concert together and made getting lost an art form! I laughed so much my face hurt! The gal with the longer hair is Jacci from Los Angeles. She took us to the wonderful Greek restaurant, showed us the Pacific Ocean (and beaches) and told us interesting stories about endangered butterflies. Her 12 year old son (in one of the pics) was such a good sport! He went to dinner with us and listened to 3 old women talk for hours about Adam! I learned a lot about California schools from him, which was a special treat for me.

At the concert venue, there was a huge meet and greet for all the Adam fans (they sold 600 tickets for the meet/greet). Different forums identified themselves in unique ways. The forum I frequent used little picture tiles attached with blue ribbon. It was like a big homecoming event! I met people from all over the world there and feel so blessed to be a part of the friendships formed.

Thousands Turn Out for Adam Lambert Concert

Thousands Turn Out for Adam Lambert Concert

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Here's another pic for my Adam fan readers. It's hard to explain Adam's appeal (looks-wise). He isn't gorgeous in the perfect, movie star way...it's more of a look that draws you in...a sex appeal the way Elvis had...and well, here:

THE Concert!

I am in a euphoric haze and may never come out of it! You can like him, hate him, whatever but Adam Lamber sings like a rock god! I'll post later about the whole experience but for now, I'll rattle on about just the concert. First of all he is amazingly beautiful. When he smiled the whole place would clap with joy. It was like turning on a power plant...the energy just radiated. (I watched his mom some and her smile is the same way, it radiates.)

For my fellow Adam fans, here's some details: Due to the Indian reservation casino venue, he went with a look of feathers. Great peacock feather earring (or maybe it was attached to his hair, I couldn't tell), lots of silver necklaces and some turquoise, to-die-for peacock colored eye make-up. Emo-styled hair was tipped in shades of blue and looked very, very cool! Sheer sleeves on his jacket. Loose fitting boots (think combat style) and I can't even begin to describe the pants! Monte wore a poncho and LP was shirtless (a very appropriate look for him...he has the "look" for being shirtless without looking like he was trying to be nude-if that makes any sense). Tommy had all blonde hair. I wasn't prepared to like it but I did.

He did an acoustical version of Whole Lotta Love that makes Led Zepplin's version seem like dust. After that song he could have asked everyone in the audience to drink the Kool-aid and we would have gulped it down! Wow! Whataya Want From Me was also acoustical and I liked it better than the CD version. I couldn't imagine that he could sound better in person than on the CD or TV but he does. His vocal range is out of this world and he uses it from top to bottom in almost every song. Sleepwalker has always been on the lower end of my Like-O-Meter but after seeing him perform it live, I'm sold. And then came Down The Rabbit Hole...already my fav...now stick a fork in me cuz I'm done!! It was great.

I had a perfect view of Adam's parents. His mom was a total fangirl with the rest of us. Clapping, hopping up and down at times, grinning and laughing with the lady next to her. His dad stood the whole time and had the most loving, proud smile on his face. Their love for him, and pride, is almost tangible. I wanted to hug them both.

Ok, dead tired gonna leave you with a few pics.
Funny stories, travel woes, etc. to be posted later for your reading pleasure! Thanks for traveling along with me!

More pics (sorry, mixed in with trip pics)Click HERE

Friday, February 26, 2010

Rodeo Drive

I have never seen so many expensive cars in one place in my life! Everyone in Beverly Hills is thin, rich and beautiful!! Even the fat people are thin and the ugly people are beautiful! It was truly a day to remember. Since I'm just back at the hotel to get ready for the night adventures I won't write much but will leave some pics!

Shopping on Rodeo Drive

Check out more pics here: CLICK HERE

Saw the pic below and now have that "Beverly Hills Cop" theme song stuck in my head!

Santa Monica

It's 5:00 a.m. in Los Angeles and my body is still on CST time so I'm up and staring out the window at the city scape. L.A. could rival New York for the city that never sleeps! It makes Atlanta look sleepy!

I had dinner last night in Santa Monica with two new friends. I had a California burger that was made out of something healthy so I didn't want to ask what was in it! We also did a beauty treatment each yesterday and mine was new eyelashes and the haircut. The eyelashes are lllloooonnnngggg and I love 'em! Everyone here has them so, of course, I had to have them! I'm amazed at the availability of beauty stuff, etc here...saw and billboard advertising the Lap Band procedure done in 1 hour, walk-in clinic, they would file your insurance, etc. Back home you'd have to have 3 consultations, go to Flower's for mass quantities of pre-op proceedures, etc etc! The boutique where I had my hair cut also does Botox and will give you Latesse without a prescription (I do not even want to know where that stuff comes from! lol). Then we went past an orthodontist and you can get a full set of "beautiful braces" (whatever those are) for $108 or Envisalign for $28 per set (now that I would jump on if I lived here). I guess there's just such competition that prices are lower. Whatever the reason it's easy to see why folks here are so beautiful and "well preserved".

I'm thinking since I'm up that I'll go grab some free hotel breakfast grub and take it to check out the sunset over Santa Monica Boulevard, and here's the song that is still stuck in my head from last night: