Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Urban Decay

I figured since the past few days were my Maybelline Vacation, then surely being back at work today is Urban Decay Reality! I was not mentally prepared for cold, rain, a messy classroom, and kids! But prepared or not, here I am!

So far I've had good reviews on my hair. More than one person has said it makes me look younger...so I figure if I go back and have it cut about three more times I'll be 21 again!

The trip to L.A. almost seems surreal now. I wouldn't trade the memories for anything. I was astounded by the physical size of the star's homes I saw, mystified by the miles of windmills that are in the desert, and totally wow'd over the whole Los Angeles attention to beauty. I left with a different perception of my own world.

My friend, Jen, asked me if I was going to continue blogging now that the trip is over. I've enjoyed writing the blog...I just really hope there's something happening in my life from now on that will be worth writing about (insert slight chuckle here)!


  1. Don't cut your hair so short that you end up under-aged! If that happens, you won't be able to go on any more Maybelline vacations!

    And, FYI - I AM going on the next Maybelline vacation!!!

  2. Keep blogging...and I really like your hair cut!

  3. @Rhett...I'm gonna hold you to that! Maybe we can go together to the next one!

    @Rachel...thanks! I'm loving it!
